The Movement Of The Cursor On The Drawing Area Is Erratic; What Can I Do

The movement of the cursor on the drawing area is erratic; what can I do

This is a problem that generally depends on the settings of the FlyOver snap (advanced snaps).

Fly over snaps are a special mode of object Snaps which allow a user of progeCAD to display immediately the relevant points of objects (endpoint, centre, midpoint, intersection, etc.).

For complex drawings (several drawn entities) or if a PC is not very fast, the use of this mode can overload the computer.

Should any problem arise, only one value at the time should be set (for ex. only End, Centre, Intersection, etc.); alternatively this function should be disabled and object Snaps should be used only when necessary by means of the relative toolbar.

To set the Object Snaps, position the cursor over the Esnap writing situated on the right at the bottom of the progeCAD screen and press the mouse''s right button.

From the menu, select ''Settings''

The required snaps should then be selected from the control window.

The FlyOver button can be used for activating the settings of FlyOver Snaps